First item of business is to find a place to have the car wash. There needs to be a source of water that you can use. A school, gas station, or church on a busy main road would be a good location. You will need to have all of your own supplies, such as a garden hose, buckets, sponges, towels, and car wash soap.
Pick a date for your car wash, and plan a rain date as well. (Let's face it, a rainy day would completely ruin your car wash.)Make signs for members of your group to hold by the street to bring in the cars. Advertise with
flyers, your city’s cable station, and in your local newspapers.
Charge a set amount for a car wash, or simply accept donations. You may earn more by leaving it up to each individual.
Have some small bills on hand in order to make change. Most of all, remember to HAVE FUN......your proceeds will reflect it!
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