Purchase 10 pink plastic flamingos (lawn decorations). Pick 10 yards in your community to be the lucky recipients. Attach cards to the flamingoes' necks with a phone number along with all the pertinent information regarding your DU2C team. State that for a $10 donation, the flamingos will be removed but for $15 they will be moved to the lawn of their choice. Make sure you also place a sign that has a contact name and phone number among the flamingos for those who drive by and would like to have the flamingos placed in a friends yard.
Individuals may also have the opportunity to pay $50 to have the entire flock of 10 flamingos placed in another persons yard! (Also give the option to simply pick up the flamingo gratis, since some people have no sense of fun.) It takes a little organization, but is lots of fun.
An additional fundraising idea is to sell "Pink Flamingo Insurance" for $10 to protect yourself from the invasion of these pink pests.
To get involved with Dress Up 2 Cure 2011 visit www.dressup2cure.org
I love this idea and just sent it to our HOA!!!!